Video: Mother Wants Justice After Alleged Prison Beating
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WEST POINT, Miss. (WCBI)- A mother is demanding answers after her son was allegedly beaten by 3 prison guards.
According to Jacob Johnsey’s mother, Jo Ann Doll, her son was brutally assaulted by 3 guards at the Wilkinson County Correctional facility while his hands were handcuffed behind his back in December 2011.
Doll says Jacob was slammed face first into a metal cot. Dental records show some of his teeth were knocked out. He also had to receive over 100 stitches on his face and nose. Doll tells WCBI she tried contacting the prison several times, but they are not giving her any answers. She also has not had any luck contacting her son. Since the incident, the prison is not allowing him to write to his attorney, make any phone calls or receive any visits.
Jo Ann says all she wants is justice for what the guards did to her son.
“My son still does not have any teeth, even though they knocked them out. He has a scar that’s wide enough that you could put a finger in it. The dentist even made the remark that he could not imagine the force it would’ve had to have taken to bust his teeth out the way they were busted. That’s how hard he was slammed into that metal bunk. If they could just get the punishment, that you or I would get if we assaulted somebody, if that was all they got I would be satisfied because justice would have been done. It wouldn’t have been one-sided like it is right now,” says Jo Ann Doll.
Doll has tried to press assault charges on the three guards but is not having any luck. Attorney’s for Jacob Johnsey did file a complaint against, Corrections Corporations of America and are waiting to hear back. Wilkinson County Correctional Facility is a privately-run prison.
MDOC’s Commissioner Christopher Epps did reach out to JoAnn Doll and informed her to refer any concerns to the Director of Compliance.
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