Gubernatorial candidates talk issues ahead of debate at WCBI studio
COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI)- Happening a week from Monday, both gubernatorial candidates will be in the WCBI-studios for a live televised debate.
Road infrastructure, low pay, health care, all topics that Mississippians want to hear more about from the state’s future governor.
WCBI’s Aundrea Self will be hosting the round table event.
Scott Martin will be on social media looking for questions from viewers. You can use #WCBIdebate to follow long.
Lt. Governor Tate Reeves and Attorney General Jim Hood both say they’re excited to debate in Northeast Mississippi.
“The importance of this part of the state to Mississippi is the economic climate. One of the things we understand up here is the importance of manufacturing, the importance of having relationships between state and local governments, having relationships between economic development agencies and economic development agencies in the state and here,” said Lt. Gov. Reeves.
“Aerodynamics and things of that nature are important to the future. Broadband is a huge part of that. To be able to keep our young people here. I go to church in Houston MS, too many people have left our state and i want our grand kids to grow up here,” said Attorney Gen. Jim Hood.
This all takes place next Monday the 14th, on WCBI at 7 p.m.
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