Wounded deputy still improving

JACKSON (WCBI) – The Madison County deputy with Winston County ties is making more strides in his recovery from gunshot wounds.   Deputy Brad Sullivan was shot in the head in early September while trying to arrest a man suspected of holding people hostage.  The family said Monday that Sullivan has been taken off his ventilators and is breathing on his own with some aid from a trachea.    The Nanih Waiya native is more alert than he has ever been but still faces a long recovery.   Doctors hope Sullivan continues to improve and if all goes well he could be moved into a physical rehab unit and start the rehab process


Update on Brad’s condition
Bradley has made good progress the last two days. He is completely off the vent but still taking oxygen thru the trach. We will continue to pray that he makes progress towards getting rid of the trach completely, but will not know that for a little while. He has made enough progress that the doctors want to get him to therapy as soon as possible and if things go well the next couple of days we will be in line for a bed at a physical therapy rehab facility.

He is alert and responsive, more so than ever. We still don’t know what limitations he may have and will know more as we are able to transfer to the rehab facility.

We, again, cannot thank each of you enough for all your prayers, Please continue to pray as we move to the next phase of his recovery.



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