4County looks to assist hurricane victims in Quincy Florida

LOWNDES COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – As Hurricane Helene leaves a soggy path of destruction in parts of Florida, local crews are lending a helping hand.
4County Electric Power Association rolled out a 10 man crew September 27 to assist Talquin Electric Cooperative in Quincy, Florida.
The crews and equiptment will assit with repairing broken poles, downed lines, and other structural damage.
Talquin Electric provides electricity to nearly 60,000 customers across a 2,600 square mile service area, stretching from the Florida Gulf Coast to the Florida Georgia line, including portions of Tallahassee.
At latest report, about a 35,000 are without power on the Talquin system.
4County crew are expected to remain in the area for at least a week, depending on the severity of the damage.
4County and other cooperatives around the nation operate under a reciprocal agreement to provide help to each other in times of crisis.