43rd Annual Spring Pilgrimage

The city of Aberdeen takes a stroll down memory lane this weekend with it’s 43rd Annual Spring Pilgrimage.

The annual Spring Pilgrimage is an event that showcases southern hospitality at its finest.

Each year visitors from all over the country and the world head south for the blooming flowers, garden and antebellum home tours.

“Lawson and I bought the house in 1988. We shared the house with my daughter Andrea,” said Pilgrimage Home Owner Polly Grimes.

Grimes opens her home each year for the tours.

“We enjoyed this house because we loved restoring the values of this house,” said Grimes.

She says for her participating each year hits close to home.

“My husband and daughter passed away therefore I consider it a tribute to them to keep sharing with people as they come to Aberdeen. We’ve had many people from a lot of area and today it’s just been a joy to have them come into my home and admire what we’ve done in this house,” said Grimes.

The home tours are just the beginning. This weekend visitors and locals can take guided historic church tours, story telling, live music and lies and legions.

Aberdeen Visitors Bureau Director, Tina Robbins, says it wouldn’t be possible without the community.

“A lot of events are sponsored by our partners. We welcome those events it just adds to the experience and adds for activities for our visitors to do while they are here and so a lot of those are taken care of by that group. The lies and legions, the story telling they are all handled by their participation,” said Robbins.

“I enjoyed also having young people to be involved with sharing the house. I have from 11 years old all the way up to 50 and 60 something people who are in the house but that is part of it and we could not do, we couldn’t have this Pilgrimage without the volunteers that have given so much time,” said Grimes.

Robbins says though the forecast looks threatening this weekend it’s not putting the breaks on the fun.

“With the weather that we’ve had we’ve been trying to post everything on our Face Book page. Aberdeen Pilgrimage association. That’s been the central place. So far we haven’t had anything. The Lies and Legions are still going on it will be chilly so wear your coats but it’s going on the show must go on,” said Robbins.

The fun will continue all day Sunday. For more information, visit Facebook the Aberdeen Pilgrimage Association page.

Categories: Featured, Local News

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