2-year-old drummer bounces to his own beat
NEW YORK — Playtime for 2-year-old Lennox Howard Noble almost always involves a beat and his binky.
His mother, 34-year-old Shintara Noble, is a hairstylist and gospel singer, and says her son’s musical influence came early.
“When he was a year and half, he would come to work with me and he would take my crochet needles and he would be just drumming on my TV stand and people would walk past and be like he’s gonna be a drummer,” she said.
Lennox Howard Noble
CBS News
At around 18 months old, Noble decided to share little Lennox’s talents with the world, posting her child’s rare skills on Youtube, and she started an Instagram page called “life of Lennox.” His videos have received hundreds of thousands of views, and even professional drummers have praised his skills online.
“He’ll play on anything. He’ll even use a person if you’re too close,” Noble said.
He’s quick to point out which clips to watch, and like a typical 2-year-old, he’ll challenge you if he doesn’t get his way. His passion for music is obvious, and it’s something his mom hopes to see in the future.
He’s seemingly unaware he can play, because at his age, it’s just that.
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