MDEQ Recognizes 2014 enHance Members

Pictured, from left, is Mike Blythe, CAFB, Trudy Fisher, MDEQ Executive Director, Frank Lockhart, CAFB

Pictured, from left, is Sean McCarthy, Toyota, Rosario, Toyota, Trudy Fisher, MDEQ Executive Director, John Raymer, Toyota.

Pictured, from left, is Al McShan, Cooper, Trudy Fisher, Executive Director MDEQ, John Swartzendruber, Cooper
JACKSON, Miss. (Press Release) — The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ), accepted three new members, seven renewal memberships, and two returning members into its enHance program for the 2014 class. The recognition was part of a workshop and awards luncheon held today in Jackson.
enHance is a voluntary stewardship program begun in 2009 that recognizes committed environmental leaders who accomplish goals beyond their legal requirements. enHance is open to facilities, cities, counties, and other entities who are interested in the program, and applicants can choose from three tiers: Associate, Steward, or Leader.
“There are many facilities in Mississippi doing good work and achieving standards beyond their permit requirements. We believe they should be recognized for their leadership,” said Trudy Fisher, MDEQ Executive Director. “In addition, successful participation in this program results in the reduction of waste and the conservation of resources leading to long term economic benefits and continuous environmental enhancement.”
The new members for 2014 are:
- Toyota Motor Manufacturing , Mississippi, Inc. (Blue Springs) — Leader.
- Cooper Tire Company (Clarksdale) — Steward
- DeSoto County Environmental Services — Associate
The renewing members are:
- Columbus Air Force Base — Leader
- Custom Engineered Wheels, Inc. (Tupelo) — Leader
- Flexsteel Industries (Starkville) — Leader
- Nissan North America, Inc. (Canton) — Leader
- Cooper Tire Company (Tupelo) — Steward
- Leaf River Cellulose, LLC (New Augusta) — Steward
- City of Ridgeland — Steward
And, two members are returning to the program:
- Gulf State Manufacturers (Starkville) — Leader
- Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems (Ocean Springs) — Steward
The projects submitted by the new members as part of the application process include:
Toyota Motor Manufacturing , Mississippi, Inc.
- Project 1: Geothermal Compressed Air Dryer Cooling Water — A geothermal heat exchanger project supplies chilled water to the compressed air dryer to eliminate the chiller load in the winter months when the plant HVAC systems are not utilizing chilled water. The goal is to reduce electricity usage by 1,500,000 kWh/year.
- Project 2: 50 KW Solar Cell Bank — A single axis solar cell array with a maximum output of 50 KW tied into the New Albany Light, Gas, and Water grid.
- Project 3: Community Service, National Public Lands Day and Earth Day — More than 650 employees participated in National Public Lands Day at Howard Stafford Park in Pontotoc. On Earth Day employees worked with Boy Scouts to install 20 wood duck boxes throughout the Toyota site. Boxes will be prepared for the nesting season and monitored.
Cooper Tire Company (Clarksdale)
- Project 1: Landfill Reduction — The plant seeks to reduce waste to landfill through the recycling of materials such as wood and plastic pallets, plastic packaging materials, cardboard and paper packaging materials. Balers have been installed by a recycle broker and a program implemented to capture and process recyclable materials. Trash to landfill was reduced from 2010 levels by 122 tons in 2011 and 145 tons in 2012 and should decrease further this year with the balers in use.
- Project 2: Energy Management Program — The plant has developed an energy management program to monitor energy use and identify and implement energy savings.
DeSoto County Environmental Services
- Projects: Household Hazardous Waste and Earth Days — A Household Hazardous Waste event was hosted for citizens to bring in products labeled caution, poisonous, toxic, flammable, or corrosive. More than 9,000 pounds of hazardous waste was collected. To promote energy efficiency, resource conservation, and sustainable living, an Earth Day event was hosted with over 40 vendors and approximately 1,000 people in attendance.
There are currently 36 members in the enHance program. Members include private companies, federal government facilities, counties, and local municipalities. Membership is voluntary, and applications for membership may be submitted each year from July 1 through September 30.
More information about the program and how to apply is available at
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